The film documentary, Most Likely to Succeed, directed by Greg Whiteley and produced by Ted Dintersmith. This documentary reveals the disadvantages and shortcomings of conventional education. It follows Ted’s daughter and shows how discouraged she becomes from reading and memorizing textbooks, at only a primary level. Our education system was created in 1893, and with the rapid improvement in industrialization and innovation to technology, jobs today are not the same as they use to be. However, the school has yet to change or improve, and this document outlines how project-based learning takes children’s skills and understanding to the next level, preparing them for success in the new economy.
Teachers at this school are innovative, providing support and help, yet let the children take lead and have students work together to understand and learn. Success rates 98% of children who graduate move towards university, and ultimately develop skills that are relevant to society today. Every location of this school is unique, and no two are alike. The teachers make the classes and learning atmosphere to benefit the students’ achievement. Overall, the students learn to improve and develop together through project style learning and collaboration with one another. Children do not fail and are not graded, rather they develop their strengths and weaknesses and are able to pursue their own passions and interest while learning relevant skills and information.
As a prospective teacher, I would love to teach at a school design like this, as it aims to revolutionize education and shows how fun and inspiring teaching and learning should be.