Hi Ramneet,

Firstly, I love the images you included with this post, they really add a lot to the layout and presentation. I myself also had a lot of fun using Kahoot and Duoling in High School and found it a fun way to incorporated game-based learning into the classroom. I love hearing about new games such as Café conversation and that seems like a very educational and interactive approach to french and online learning. I agree that these experiences help stick with students throughout their learning and allow them ample understanding. Great job this week!

To this author,

Great job at this blog post, you clearly displayed gamification and provided great examples. I agree that gamification allows students to learn more effectively and efficiently and intrinsically motivates students to participate in the learning objective. I really enjoyed the game your English teacher used and think this is such a fun and interactive way to practice the material, thanks for sharing. I think using these games creates face-to-face interaction and ample proactive learning periods to allow students the time and engagement to learn properly. Overall, great blog post!