Chord Progression:

For my ukulele goal template, I wrote that I was going to learn 4 complex chords, and one of them being a bar chord. As I have played the ukulele before I found learning the chords to be fun and fairly easy, however from the constant practice I have developed calluses on my fingers. Once my fingertips became stronger I found playing and practicing much easier and then learning the chords to be a much smoother process. I was having a lot of trouble learning the bar chord and found that once I played for a couple of weeks the muscle memory was essential for me to play the bar chord properly. I was really excited once I got it because a lot of songs use bar chords, and since learning Bm I found learning other bar chords to be easier.

To practice, I found a chord chart online and I started with some simple chords, such as C, Am, and F, to get my fingers warm and ready to play. I then practiced the hand placement of chords Dm, G, Em, and Bm. To develop my muscle memory I would constantly switch between chords without any strumming. Then as I got better I introduced some strumming patterns with the chords and slowly started switching through each one until it became easy and sounded fluent.

Overall, this took me about 2 weeks, and I felt confident to play for my friends after 5 days. I found that if I am introduced to a new strumming pattern, switching from chord to chord is challenging, so I make sure to practice the strumming pattern first and then add in the chords.

Here is a video of my final result of playing chords, Dm, G, Em, and Bm.