Mickayla, this video was hilarious! I loved how engaging it was and how well it explained descriptive language! I like how it focuses on the senses for descriptive language, as well as allows the students to decided to participate or not. I also agree with you that this would be a great video for designed interaction. I really enjoy the activities you provided, and it’s a great touch to include the UDL guidelines. I think this video with your activities would be a great way to teach descriptive language. Overall, great ideas I am going to save this video link and use it in the future, it is so fun!


This video for your blog post this week contained very clear instructions and was very educational! I watch a lot of these youtube videos as I love to bake and find them very helpful! Have you thought about what kind of interaction method this uses? And I wonder why this video is banned in several locations (that’s very strange to me haha). Overall, a great resource for your interactive learning assignment!