Comment #1:

Hi Breanne, this is a great blog post and outlines some similar ideas and understanding that I as well align with. For instance, I am also timid to post on social media and find myself worried about the same consequences as you. The daunting impact of our digital identities being online forever is very intimidating. As we are both in our B.Ed our digital identities pose even greater reproductions as not only our employers will be looking, but also the parents. However, I agree with what you say about how social media can create connections and further your career. I need to remember that social media is just as beneficial for our careers as teachers. I also agree that with Covid-19 social media has been a blessing with staying communicated with everyone. I look forward to reading more of your work this term, good luck, and this was a great blog post to read!

Comment #2:

Hi Katelynn, I really enjoyed reading your blog post and found many of your points to be eye opening. In your conclusion, when stating how our digital identites provide benefits to developing countries is something I had neglected to think about. This is such a good point to bring up and share as it shows how our digital identities are one thing, and social medias influence is another. Throughout your post I find that I align with many of your writing and I as well did a big purge of my middle school posts and shares, haha. In addition with your statement on how public connections are helpful during the pandemic, and I as well am truly grateful we live in a time that allows us to connect with anyone around the world. I look forward to reading your work on digital identities within the health care industry if our class covers it.